Design tab

This section of the workspace displays relevant information about the jewelry design, such as the design name, description, dimensions, and any other important details. A list of the elements used in the design, such as gems, metals, and components, can also be accessed here.

1. Project Name

Here, you can assign a descriptive name to your jewelry design project for easy identification.

By clicking on the project name, a panel will appear with additional information about the project. This panel will display various details such as the name of the project, a brief description that provides an overview of what the project is about, the material used in its construction, and an SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) that serves as a unique identifier for the project.

In addition to these details, the panel allows you to determine which metals the model will be available in. This means you can select the specific metal in which you would like the project to be made.

Furthermore, the panel provides automated renders, which are visual representations or images of the project. These renders give you a clear idea of how the project will look once it is completed.

Moreover, you can also view the elements that make up the project. This includes a breakdown of the different components or parts that constitute the overall project. For each element, you can see its characteristics or properties, as well as the quantity or number of instances of that element that exist within the project.

Overall, the panel provides a comprehensive and detailed view of the project, allowing you to access specific information and also edit it, visualize the project through renders, and understand its composition and characteristics.

2. Parameters

The parameter panel serves as a control center for customizing basic project features. Within this panel, there are different options such as

3. Elements

Provides a structured approach to organizing and selecting different components for jewelry design, allowing users to create customized pieces more efficiently. 2Shapes divides different classes of elements such as Shank Types, Gemset Types, Bails, Beads, Charms, and Static elements.

4. Elements options

Each element listed has from left to right the following features:

  • Edit: Opens the parameters of the selected element.

  • Lock or unlock: Locks the element, to prevent any transformations, or unlock its

  • Reset transformation: Resets all transformations made to this element, from movement to rotations.

  • Duplicate: Makes a copy of this element.

  • Delete: Removes the element from the Studio.

  • Save element to Library: Saves this element in your Element library.

Last updated