Elements Manager
Organize your elements
Once you create the elements, you can manage them in the Elements Manager by clicking on the Elements Manager icon. This button will open a new window where all our created elements will appear. We can organize them into labels by simply dragging them to the corresponding label.
By organizing your elements effectively, you can efficiently navigate and manage your library, making it easier to find the components you want to use in your designs.
To access your workspace and view your library, you can select "Workspace" from the selector in the Library tab.
Another important option is being able to control whether an element is available for clients or not. To do this, we see the bag-shaped icon that each element has at the top right. By clicking on the bag, we allow our clients to have access to it.
By default, all elements are not available to clients.
Available/No available for customers: When the bag is gray, it is not available for customers. When it is orange, it means that it is available for customers.
Options: Allows to open the element in the studio, duplicate the element, rename the element, or delete it.
New: This option allows you to create a new element.
Trends: This option enables you to add an element from.
Close: This option allows you to close the Elements Manager window.
Last updated