
Streamline Your Invoicing, Personalize Your Brand

Invoicing allows you to customize and configure the invoices you send to your customers. You can adjust the structure, design, messages, and other details to meet your needs and provide a personalized experience for your customers.

  1. Platform: Allows to select a platform

  2. 2Shapes Platform | Invoice: In this section, we can define the structure of the invoice.

  3. Message to customer: This text will be included at the top of the invoice.

  4. Footer: This text will be included in the footer of the invoice.

  5. Invoice Number Prefix

  6. Invoice Number Sufix

  7. Color: Select a color for the invoice.

  8. Subject: Refers to the field where the title or subject of the message is placed. It is a brief description that summarizes the content or purpose of the email.

  9. Type selector: Allows you to select the preferred form of addressing your customers. You can choose from options such as "Full Name," "To + Full Name," or "Dear + Full Name."

  10. Message: You can compose the content of the message that you want to send to your customer. This is where you can write the main body of your email.

  11. Save: After making any changes, it is important to press the "Save" button to ensure that the information is saved.

Last updated