
The Catalogue panel allows you to define your group of collections.z This helps you present a comprehensive and visually appealing collection to your customers.

  1. Catalogue: In this section, you can view the added collection groups that will be displayed in your store.

  1. Group of Collections: Clicking on this button allows us to access the collection group panel, where we can add previously created collections or remove the collections that we have already added to our catalog.

  2. Save: By clicking this button, you can save and apply the changes made.

  3. Define your Group of Collections: This button will navigate to the inventory module, where new collections can be created or existing collections can be edited.

  4. Group of Collections panel: This panel allows for the addition of more collections to our catalog, the deletion of existing collections, as well as setting the order in which they will appear in the store. If we observe the image above, we can see that the left-to-right order corresponds to the top-to-bottom order in this panel. If we want a collection to appear first, i.e., on the leftmost side, we simply need to drag that collection to the top of the list in the collection group panel.

  1. Delete: This button will remove the collection from our catalog.

it is important to note that the collection will not be completely deleted; it will simply no longer appear in our store catalog. The collection will still be available in the inventory module, and we can re-add it by clicking on the "Add" button (7).

  1. Add: It allows for adding pre-created collections to our catalog.

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