New Online Store
By clicking on "New Online Store" (1) you will enter the virtual assistant for creating an online store provided by 2Shapes.
Within this first form, we will fill in the data for our new online store. We will set the domain, choose the platform (WordPress, Shopify, or Wix), determine the language used on the website, specify the standard ring size, and select the country.
Once you have finished filling in the form, click on the "Next" button to proceed.
The next step is to fill in the contact information. These details will be used in case there is a need to contact you regarding any issues or recommendations related to your store.
Once the form is completed, we will be close to finishing the configuration of our online store. Click on "Start Editing the Online Store" to complete the setup of our store.
Upon starting the configuration of the online store, the information filled through the assistant will be displayed in the "Info" section, while the contact details will be visible in the "Contact Info" section.
Next, we will configure the collections so that we can decide which pre-created collections we want to appear in our online store.
Select Group of Collections: Clicking on this button allows us to access the collection group panel, where we can add previously created collections or remove the collections that we have already added to our catalog. You can review the Catalogue section.
Download: Allow us to download products for WooCommerce in CSV
Define your Group of Collections: This button will navigate to the inventory module, where new collections can be created or existing collections can be edited.
To conclude the configuration of the online store, the display mode of prices, manufacturers, diamond groups, markup, taxes, and shipments will be established. Moreover, at the end of this section, your API key will be visible.1.
Pricing: This is where we can configure how price details will appear, including currency, rounding method, variable pricing, and more.
Manufacturers: In this section, we can view the added manufacturers. To do so, we need to have created different manufacturers in the inventory module.
Diamond selections: Here, we can see the different diamond price groups that have been created previously in the inventory module.
Markup: This allows us to add pre-created markups from the inventory module.
Taxes: This enables us to add pre-created taxes from the inventory module.
Shipments: This enables us to add pre-created shipments from the inventory module.
Development - API KEY: This is a unique identifier or code that is used to authenticate and authorize access to an API (Application Programming Interface). It acts as a security measure to ensure that only authorized users or applications can interact with the API.
Create New API KEY: Allows to generate a new API key.
Copy: Allows to copy the API key.
Delete: Allows for the deletion of the online store.
Delete: Please note that this action can not be undone. If you delete the eCommerce, the eCommerce customizations will also be deleted.
Last updated